Friday 31 May 2019


Steps went back at a snail's pace,

Eyes got misplaced after a loving gaze,

Hands that held unshared,
lurched towards the mundane,

Mind bounced off when the ears got swayed;

Wondering what yielded this?
It was the feeling that starved and got no aid. 

I value Springtime

I don't wish to see people going to their last resting place in agony, 

I don't wish to express grief in traditionally used short epitaph "RIP",

I don't wish to enthrone the one after the demise,

I don't wish to chant the good about them after they are hard of hearing;

I value springtime, 
to such a degree I wish to celebrate existence,warm fellowship and drive to the passage of peace.

If you decide to come back

Come back only when you have the confidence 
that no one has the power to break you..

Come back only when you wish to save yourself from all the hurt, pain, misery 
and not because you don't want to see others suffering..

Come back only when you are comfortable with remaking yourself..

Come back only when you wish to live life at the fullest despite all unasked arrivals..

And when you choose to come back , 
make sure you introduce your new self to the old one..

Let the introduction be the source of information about your choices of living life.